Thursday, February 16, 2006

I'm a little concerned with what I'm hearing ...

Have you ever had a really bad day and just wanted to vent? Have you ever felt just so awful that you were compelled to write it all out like scripture for the world to see? Have you gone through something that made you want to simply pour out your soul for the masses to swallow and assimilate?

Yeah we all have. Haven't we?

But we're doing it on the Internet, right? We're fortunate enough to scribe it all out on laptops from coffee shops with our wifi connections or sitting in our comfy chairs as we pain-stakingly convey our maligned existence in graphic detail through tattered keyboards accompanied by our trusty sub-standard frappachinos.

It has (not co) recently occurred to me that my situation isn't so bad; that MANY have it much worse; that my life isn't just about to fall to pieces if I don't ge that CD I've been eyeing at the local Virgin Mega-store.

It's truly tiring, and I am convinced that it is making me ill in a very real and physical way.

It makes me question what I'm doing right now.

And it should make you all question what you're doing here.

You're wasting your time.

Go be productive.

Do something nice for someone you don't know, and then don't tell anyone.

Resign yourself to one drink tonight, instead of three.

Decide to stop smoking, for good this time.

Write a poem on a napkin on your lunch break and put it in your pocket without sharing it.

Call your mother or father, while you still have a chance.

Remember something your wife or girlfriend told you that you thougth was insignificant at the time and bring it up in conversation.

Turn off your TV once in a while and talk to the other person in the room.

Read a book, from start to finish.

And if you're smug enough to believe that you've done all of this and that your attention is better cast elsewhere, then;

Pretend I didn't suggest any of this and make up your own excuse for why you won't do any of these things or find a better use of you time than sitting in front of a computer screen bitching and moaning about obviously unfair indignities you must endour.

And lastly, judge and/or dismiss this entire post because it really is just another "Dr. Phil" re-run or failed motivational speech that you already knew was bullshit and couldn't care less about.

Because - You have your own problems, right?


Blogger Mr. The Buffalo said...

Yeah, I didn't think so either.

8:56 PM  

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