my mentally challenged cats
This is Asuka (pronounced like "Oscar" without the "r" at the end), licking her back for the camera. Anyone who is a fan of good Anime would get the reference.
This is Asuka looking slightly mentally challenged - which I'm sure she is. Did you know that most white cats that have blue eyes are deaf? It's a genetic trait that Asuka seems to have dodged the bullet on. She can hear perfectly - she's just stupid.
And, this is Yuki. I was on a Japanese name kick - so sue me! She's a tad more photogenic and not quite as foolish as Asuka. They both lick their butts, so they aren't exactly connesieurs, but hey - they're mine =)
Three of the four in our household: Clockwise from top - Beeker (sp - ask Michelle on that one. I never had to spell his name before now. Thanks to him, the male to female ratio is now 1:2 - 1 man, 1 woman, four cats - lovin' it.), then Asuka (in the stretched out pose (not unlike Chris Cornell's "Jesus Christ Pose"), and then Brena (in the "ball cat" posture, at her usual post on the corner of the bed). Also included in shot is a copy of James Joyce's "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man," one of my favorite books, which I am currently re-reading.
And now, a few pictures from the "Old School" of our Cat Kingdom !!!
I stand corrected - Beaker !!! It does seem a bit more stately that way, doesn't it?
You've got very beautiful cats. Asuka and Yuki are gorgeous.
I would love to have a multi-cat household, but the other members of my household (wife and cat) do not share the sentiment.
Yeah - it turned into a package deal once we saw that they were sisters. Right now we're trying to buy a place of our own that will better facilitate the multi-cat aspect of our lifestlye.
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